Are Shih Tzu's Hypoallergenic and More: All You Need to Know About Your Dog

Are Shih Tzu's Hypoallergenic and More: All You Need to Know About Your Dog

Are Shih Tzu's Hypoallergenic and More: All You Need to Know About Your Dog

Shih Tzu

So you made the conscious decision to acquire a Shih Tzu dog.

Before purchasing one, there are a few things you need to be prepared for, but before getting started, you should first consider whether you can allot enough time for them.

Shih Tzus are great pets and excellent friends, but like all dog breeds, they are not suitable for everyone, and it relies on the living circumstances you can offer your Shih Tzu. Now, let’s go back.

Here’s all you need to know about Shih Tzu before finally deciding on getting one.

Shih Tzu Breed Overview

Shih Tzus have been trained for obedience, rallies, and other contests. But in recent years, pet owners have started bringing them out, entering them into dog sports.

They are wonderful family pets that get along with other animals and even kids, provided that the youngsters are aware of how to handle and play with a little dog tenderly.

The Shih Tzu was bred to be a lap dog and enjoys doing such; a majestic, old-breed dog, and a bright charmer.

Learn more about the details and traits of the Shih Tzu dog breed below!

History of the Shih Tzu

With a lifespan of 10 to 16 years, according to Pure Pet Food, the Shih Tzu was developed to guard the Chinese Emperor's palace by loitering around and barking at passing people or animals, to allegedly warn the populace of intruders.

But the Shih Tzu swiftly took the role of working dogs as the Imperial Chinese court's preferred pet.

According to AKC, despite its origins in Tibet, China's western neighbor, and a sovereign state until the 1950s, the Shih Tzu is commonly identified with China.

Probably as presents, Tibet sent dogs to the Chinese aristocracy. When Shih Tzus were developed, the Chinese crossed them with Pekingese or Pugs, and now, they eventually became popular pets in today’s modern era.

Shih Tzus are interesting because the Xi Shi Dog, named after one of ancient China's most beautiful women, is how the Shih Tzu is known in Mandarin.

They also went by the names Chrysanthemum Dog and Lion Dog during the beginning of the 20th century.

Shih Tzu Appearance

Shih Tzu has a very bushy tail that is arched upward over their backs. Shih Tzus are covered in long hair and have drooping, huge ears that are nearly as long as their faces.

In addition, the bottom portion of a Shih Tzu's ears has a somewhat deeper hue.

The hue, however, might not always alter until the child reaches adulthood.

Shih Tzus have big, rounded eyes that are spaced far apart. Their eyes are often a very dark hue.

Their nostrils are broad and rather flat in contrast. Although their noses are typically black, some puppies' noses might have a blueish undertone.

Shih Tzus have long, thick coats that are double-layered.

Shih Tzus may have any color of the coat, thus coat color may be irrelevant.

Their coats might have two colors, three colors, or even just one solid color, like the Black and Cream fur coats that are most commonly seen in Shih Tzus.

Shih Tzu Temperament

Shih Tzu Pup

Shih Tzus love attention and giving a Shih Tzu lots of attention will win their heart. And when they are sitting on your lap, they are never happier.

Shih Tzus were bred as amiable companions; they lack any hunting, herding, or defending tendencies.

These dogs only want to be close to their owners. However, Shih Tzus quickly establish connections with everyone they encounter, even though they may bark at unfamiliar persons at first.

Shih Tzus are recognized for having upbeat, joyful temperaments.

They are lively and sociable. Shih Tzu often gets along well with people of all ages, other dogs, and animals of many types.

Though they are uncommon, Shih Tzus are often quite affectionate.

Shih Tzus don't need much exercise, but they do prefer being with their owners, so if you have to leave them alone, they could become anxious.

Shih Tzus just need light activity. You may use the Compostable Dog Poop Bag & Dispenser for walks with your Shih Tzu when going out on extended walks with them.

Shih Tzus can be challenging to be trained and may need extra time and patience for the procedure to be successful.

Shih Tzu Health and Lifespan

Shih-Tzus are regarded as little breeds. They typically weigh nine to 18 pounds and measure eight to 11 inches when they are adults.

These little puppies have a lot of character. A Shih-Tzu may live between 10 and 16 years on average, in addition to being happy and active. Shih-Tzus will, sadly, live longer or, regrettably, shorter lifetimes.

Itchy skin, skin irritations, and dermatitis are common symptoms of allergies in the Shih Tzu breed, which owners should be aware of since the breed is susceptible to allergies.

Some of its allergens can be controlled with routine prevention methods, such as adhering to a certain diet.

In addition to the majority of conditions common to tiny dogs, the Shih Tzu has a few particular health problems, but overall, it is a relatively healthy breed.

Due to their small noses and lack of outside use, these dogs are particularly prone to overheating and heat stroke.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu and Allergies

Just like their owners, Shih Tzus experience allergic reactions too.

Shih Tzus frequently have allergies, which can itch and inflame many parts of the body, including the ears.

Dust mites, cleaning supplies, plastics, and shampoos are among household items that frequently cause contact allergies.

Other than that, Shih Tzus may experience allergies to food and environmental allergens when they are exposed outside your homes.

Shih Tzus are also susceptible to skin allergies to smoke, mildew, perfumes, and other airborne allergens.

True food allergies are uncommon, although Shih Tzus frequently have dietary intolerances to things like wheat, maize, soy, some proteins, eggs, and food additives.

What Are Pet Allergies Caused By?

Since they don't shed much, they are the most hypoallergenic dogs. Shih Tzus might not bother those with fur allergies. On the other hand, pet allergies are typically brought on by a dog's dander.

Perhaps there is a lot of their hair in the atmosphere.

Although more frequent vacuuming and dusting might help, especially if the dog has rolled in the grass or has pollen or something else in his coat.

Carpeting or furniture can also sometimes trap a lot of allergens.

Are Shih Tzu’s Hypoallergenic?

Shih Tzus are regarded as hypoallergenic since they have hair rather than fur. This implies that some individuals who are allergic to most dogs may or may not respond to them.

Shih Tzus generate hair that is almost exactly human-like as opposed to fur, and they lose their hair less than other dog breeds.

Since their hair produces less dander, allergies are less likely to flare up in those who are allergic to dogs.

Do Shih Tzu’s Shed?

Shih Tzus have a lot of hair, thus they are reported to shed less than other breeds and frequently only when they are brushed or bathed. Shih Tzus do shed, but only occasionally.

The Shih Tzu is a mild shedder, and their double coat further minimizes the quantity of stray hair that falls off of them, so you won't likely find a lot of it all over your carpets and furniture.

You may also minimize the hair and dander on their bed by using this Cozy Throw Blanket.

Are Shih Tzu Mixes Hypoallergenic?

Shih Tzus are well known for being hypoallergenic. Other Shih Tzu mixes are as hypoallergenic as them, such as the Maltese Shih Tzu mix.

For dog owners who have dog allergies, the Maltese Shih Tzu is the perfect hypoallergenic breed; weighing only 12 pounds, yet is just as lively and active as Shih Tzus.

Shih Tzu Happy

How to Care for a Shih Tzu to Minimize Allergic Reactions

Despite your best efforts, you might not have been able to identify the triggers, or perhaps your vet conducted testing but they came up empty-handed.

It's possible that the treatments were only partially or momentarily effective.

However, you may provide your Shih Tzu with quick and effective relief from their allergies if you are prepared to put in some effort and are dedicated to finding a solution.

Shih Tzu with allergies should get at least one weekly bath using a gentle shampoo to get rid of pollen, dust, mildew, and other debris.

When you see your vet, you could be given a prescription for anything like a medicated shampoo and conditioner that contains an anti-inflammatory.

Brush Your Pet Often

Even though not all dogs shed during certain times of the year, if they spend a lot of time outdoors and live in an area with seasonal changes, it is more likely that they will shed, therefore, try to brush them more regularly.

But for Shih Tzus, it is ideal to have them combed every day.

A Shih Tzu should have their hair brushed on average 3 to 4 times a week, or every other day.

Regular brushing will greatly help in eliminating dead hair, in addition to keeping the Shih Tzu's long hair silky, well-groomed, and tangle-free.

Give Them a Bath

The thick, curly coat of a Shih Tzu needs more maintenance than the coats of many other breeds.

A Shih Tzu should typically be washed every three weeks to maintain healthy skin and hair and prevent the growth of unpleasant odors.

However, because they can stain their bottoms when they urinate, pups could require more frequent bathing.

Your dog’s coat and skin will stay clean and healthy if you use a high-quality shampoo and conditioner.

Take Care of the Hair

Start by brushing your Shih Tzu every day, washing it once a month, and keeping its hair clipped to properly care for it.

When deciding to groom, you may use regular hair removal through vacuuming or use specialized equipment such as the Reusable Dog Hair Remover.

The optimal routine is a thorough brushing out two to three times per week and baths every one to two weeks.

Never brush a dry coat; instead, spritz it with a moisturizing spray very sparingly. Weekly brush-outs are still preferable even if the Shih Tzu's hair is kept shorter.

Use a Dander Remover

This kind of hypoallergenic dog will still slobber and shed a little amount of hair despite being one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds, and you may apply a dander remover to them as sebaceous gland secretions from the dog's hair may be removed with the use of Dander Remover.

After using a damp towel soaked with a dander remover, use that towel to wipe your dog down, gently.

By doing this, you may be able to remove the dander from your dog's hair before it gets into the air and puts you at risk of developing life-threatening allergies.

Is a Shih Tzu the Right Dog For You?

As one of the toy breeds, Shih Tzus are recognized for being little, adorable, and highly affectionate.

Shih Tzus can be a terrific choice for first-time dog owners because of their friendliness and desire to be close to their owners, but that doesn't mean that raising and training these puppies isn't difficult.

Though they offer all the pleasures, benefits, and devotion that come with that status, whether the dog is a Shih Tzu or not.

But if you're seeking a little best friend who can adjust to apartment living, snuggle with you on the couch, and show you unending affection, then this dog could be the one for you!

Having said that, having a dog, especially a Shih Tzu, requires considerable responsibility to maintain their physical and emotional wellness.

Discover Our Calming Dog Bed, which is perfect for any Shih Tzu.

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