A List Of Safe Food That You Can Feed Your Dog

July 28th, 2022

What Are Some Human Foods that My Dog Can Eat?

Dogs' digestive systems differ from human bodies. As a result, some types of food that are healthy for humans may be toxic or even dangerous for dogs.

For example, foods like avocados or citrus fruits are considered extremely healthy for humans.

But in a dog, they can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or even nervous system depression.

Many human foods, however, are also completely harmless to dogs and can offer valuable nutrients and health advantages when consumed in small quantities and without additives.

So, what human foods can dogs eat? Let’s take a look at some foods that are safe (and perhaps even healthy) for dogs and how to best feed them to your pooch!


dog eating with owner

Can I feed my dog human food instead of dog food?

Choosing food that provides your pet with the more than 30 essential nutrients they require is the most crucial factor in deciding which food is good for them. These nutrients include:

  • Carbs
  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Minerals
  • Water

The ideal pet food should offer all these nutrients in sufficient amounts and in the proper ratios for the stage of life that your pet is in.

This means that the food you feed your pet should contain enough calories to keep them at a healthy weight for their stage of life (adult, puppy, geriatric, etc.).

Most dog foods contain all the nutrients that are essential for your pet’s health.

However, not many human foods can provide the same nutrition without causing digestive or other health problems in dogs.

Additionally, human food is usually too rich and fatty for a dog’s stomach.

This can lead to stomach problems, issues with the pancreas, food poisoning, or even liver failure in severe cases.

What human foods are safe and healthy for dogs?

You may be wondering - "What kind of human food can dogs eat?"

The following is a list of foods that are safe for your dog. Some of them are even really beneficial to their health.

However, do keep in mind that these foods should be consumed in small quantities only.

Consuming too much of any of these items can lead to health problems because the nutritional values of these items might be significantly higher than your dog’s stomach can handle.


women feeding a dog carrots

Carrots: Extremely healthy

Your dog can eat carrots either raw or cooked. They have few calories and are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

As a result, they are a very nutritious treat for your dog. This is one human food that is extremely healthy for dogs and does not cause them any harm when consumed in moderate quantities.

To avoid choking, be sure to cut carrots into bite-sized pieces before giving them to your dog.

Alternatively, you can feed them baby carrots. They contain the same nutrients as regular carrots but are smaller in size.


Boiled chicken

Most dogs can safely eat cooked chicken because it is a nutritious food.

As a great source of the protein that your dog needs to stay healthy, chicken is one of the ingredients found in dog foods most often.

Chicken can be given to your dog separately or combined with dog food. It’s also a great option for when you run out of dog food.

It's important to remember that you should never give your dog chicken with a bone in it.

He could choke on chicken bones, and they could also pierce his digestive tract.

To avoid a salmonella infection, it's also crucial to avoid giving your dog raw chicken.

Plain, unseasoned, boiled, shredded chicken is a great snack when your dog has an upset stomach.

It’s easy to digest when cut into small pieces or shredded, and its taste makes it a great incentive for your dog to eat! It’s also rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fats.

Eating grass is a common sign of a stomach upset in a dog (although it can also be normal behavior).

If you notice your dog chewing on grass, try feeding him boiled chicken instead of his regular food.

dog eating bread

A slice or two of bread

Plain bread in moderation won't harm your dog, but it also won't be particularly healthy either (no spices, and definitely no raisins).

It doesn't provide any nutritional benefit and, like in people, can pack on the calories and carbs.

While it’s best to avoid bread altogether, a slice or two occasionally won’t hurt.

Also, consider that homemade bread is better than store-bought as you can control the quality and ingredients that go into it.

Store-bought bread often contains additives that are bad for your dog.

Remember that bread, among other types of food, adds excess calories to your dog's diet and may result in weight gain if he consumes too much of it.

Also, keep in mind that it’s only a small snack and cannot be your dog’s entire meal.

Peanut butter

Dogs can enjoy moderate amounts of peanut butter as a safe and healthy treat.

For dogs, it can be a great source of protein. It includes niacin, vitamins B and E, and fats that are good for the heart.

The healthiest option is raw, unsalted peanut butter.

Ensure that the peanut butter does not contain xylitol by reading the label because this sugar substitute can be harmful to dogs.

Even though your dog can eat peanut butter, it's best to keep their intake to a minimum.

If they eat too much peanut butter, which is high in calories and fat, they risk gaining weight.

Cooked eggs

So long as they are completely cooked, eggs are harmless to dogs.

A medium egg contains a significant amount of protein and virtually every vitamin and mineral that dogs need.

There are rumors that eggs could also help dogs with nausea. However, there is no supporting evidence for these claims.

However, feeding your pet raw egg whites can result in a biotin deficiency, so make sure to fully cook the eggs first.

While it is common for dogs to not get sick right away after consuming raw eggs, bacteria like Salmonella can pass from the dog to its humans, raising the risk of infection.

Fresh fish

Fish gives your dog a good health boost because it is full of excellent fats and amino acids. The following three types of fish are considered the best for dogs:

  • Salmon is particularly healthy because it's high in vitamins and protein.
  • Sardines are healthy as they have delicate, digestible bones that provide extra calcium.
  • Tilapia is also a good fish for your dog, but only if it’s thoroughly cleaned (fully deboned and skinned) and well-cooked. Ensure that you offer only the boneless fillets to your dog.

Apart from sardines, make sure to remove every single bone from the fish, which can be time-consuming but is essential.

Never give your dog raw or undercooked fish; only fully cooked, cooled fish.

It’s important to avoid any type of farm-raised or larger fish, such as King Mackerel, Albacore Tuna (canned), Swordfish, Tilefish, and Shark.

They often contain excess levels of mercury and antibiotic residuals (in the case of farm-raised fish) in their skin, muscles, and organs.

Also, don't give your dog fish more than twice per week.

dog eating ice cream

Dairy products

Dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cheese, especially milder cheeses like cottage and mozzarella, can be good for your dog in moderation.

However, ensure that your dog is not lactose intolerant (it’s rare but possible).

To know if your dog is lactose intolerant, look out for reactions like diarrhea or vomiting after they consume milk, cheese, or yogurt.

When feeding them cheese, do ensure that they have a low salt content (which is what makes cottage and mozzarella cheese great). Excess salt is also bad for your dog.

However, avoid foods like ice creams at all costs!

While they can seem like a sweet, cold, refreshing treat for your dog, they are very high in sugar and can be very harmful to them.

Types of mushrooms

Dogs can eat store-bought mushrooms like portobello mushrooms without any problems.

They can provide immense health benefits to your dog, such as boosting their immune system, supporting kidney and liver functions, and preventing heart disease.

However, only give your dog plain mushrooms—not ones mixed with additional ingredients like garlic or onions, which can be harmful to dogs.

Additionally, stay away from seasonings or sauces that are too rich.

The following varieties of mushrooms are safe for dogs to eat:

  • White button
  • Portobello
  • Porcini
  • Cremini
  • Maitake
  • Shiitake
  • Reishi

It's also important to keep in mind that certain wild mushrooms can poison your dog and are toxic to them.

Avoid the following types of mushrooms:

  • Amanita phalloides (death cap)
  • Amanita gemmata (jeweled death cap)
  • Amanita muscaria (fly agaric)
  • Inocybe species and Clitocybe dealbata mushrooms
  • Galerina marginata (deadly Galerina)
  • Gyromitra species (false morel)

If you think your dog may have ingested a toxic variety of mushrooms, look out for symptoms like excess salivation, urination, tremors, seizures, tears, and severe stomach upset.

Keep in mind that these can also be symptoms of over-exertion in dogs. If you notice any of these symptoms, visit your vet immediately.

Pork and turkey

Dogs can eat cooked pork without additional seasonings, sauces, or spices.

Pork has more calories per pound compared to other meats and is a highly digestible source of protein that is packed with amino acids.

In comparison to other proteins, it may also be less likely to trigger an allergic response in some pets.

However, in order to avoid a bacterial infection that could make your dog ill, you should never give them raw or undercooked pork.

Furthermore, dogs should never be given processed pork products like ham and bacon. They typically contain high levels of salt that can be dangerous for dogs.

Most dogs can consume plain turkey without experiencing any negative effects.

However, they can only eat turkey as long as the excess skin and fat are removed.

Don't forget to look for bones. When digested, poultry bones can break off and cause blockages and even tears in the digestive tract.

To keep your dog from consuming potentially harmful ingredients like onions and garlic, do not give him seasoned or stuffed turkey.

Additionally, only the skinless, boneless turkey should be given to your dog.

As a general rule, dogs shouldn't be fed any meat that contains a lot of salt, seasonings, onions, or garlic.


Watermelon is a safe food for dogs to eat, but you must first strip away all the seeds as they can obstruct your dog's intestines.

Remove the rind as well before offering the watermelon to him, because chewing on it can further upset the stomach.

Watermelon seeds and rinds may pose a choking risk, and some people argue that they can upset a dog's stomach badly.

However, the fruit is a very nutritious treat for dogs on its own because it is low in calories but rich in vitamins like A, C, and B-6.

Due to its high water content, watermelon can also help dogs stay hydrated.

dog eating

Final thoughts

So, what can dogs eat that is human food? While some human foods can be extremely harmful to dogs, some of them are safe and may even provide added health benefits to your pooch.

The food items mentioned in the list above are all safe and healthy options to feed your dog, although not all of them constitute a full meal.

Some of these foods can only be given to dogs occasionally as a snack, but they are best consumed in moderation.

You may still have questions about what is good for your little buddy and what isn’t.

Check Out 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Dogs for answers to your most pressing questions.

You can also check out these pup essentials to keep your dog feeling loved and comfy!


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